
3/12/2011 Database

Hacker's Database

  • 01.26.11 - Oh, hi there. Long time, no see. I am redoing this site. It will be a while, considering I am in graduate school now. Hopefully I can make this look a tad bit more pleasent. Oh yeah, redoing the forum as well. I'll archive it and send it elsewhere (still available for viewing, but not for posting).

  • 02.27.10 - Dissertation! I am currently writing a dissertation on a study that attempts to answer many questions about human behavior in regards to advertising, web traversals, etc. I will post any news about this as time progresses.
  • 08.27.09 - I am pleased to announce a new search engine GUI that was created with the idea of the user in mind. Test here out here: goodTimes.searchEngine. Also, we were featured on Hack a Day! Check out the article.
  • 08.21.09 - My site was temporarily down due to much drama involving an attacker, a victim company, worthless Dreamhost, and other junk. Anyway, we are back up and running. The database will slowly be updated back to its old ways, and the forum amongst everything else will be back up soon in due time. Stay tuned.
  • 06.12.09 - Wow, it has been 1 year since my first publication, No Root for You! Fantastic. Anyway, different thought - we've been yelled at for having certain files on the website, so those have been taken down, along with the requirement for signing up (for free, of course) for the database. No biggy. Just sign up in order to access the files!
  • 05.11.09 - It has been a while since I've updated - but it's also been a while since I have run my Counter-Strike:Source server. My mineral oil server has been put back into commision and will be running 24/7 ScoutzKnivez! For server details, look below:
  • 02.26.09 - I'd just like to thank everyone for supporting my site - it has been another great year of mainly ups. I'd have to say that the biggest event as of late has been the fact that I have sold over 200 copies of my book, No Root for You. This, in my opinion, has been a great success, and I hope to see its appearance in more places soon. This is the 2nd year anniversary of - so let's make this another great year! Keep it up, guys!
  • 09.26.08 - Website design contest... ready, set, play!
  • 09.25.08 - My book has been featured in the following magazines: Hakin9 and (IN)Secure Magazine. Many thanks to all of you who have supported purchasing or featuring my book.
  • 09.03.08 - I finished part 1 of my Toaster Computer mod! Check it out, here!
  • 08.12.08 - I just thought that I would attract everyone's attention to this forum post about Stumbelupon. This may mean that people should start changing their SU passwords. I sure am. Look here.
It has been 1 year since my publication of No Root for You - A Series of Tutorials, Rants and Raves, and Other Random Nuances Therein! Purchase your copy now, by clicking HERE! To read more (view table of contents and the like) click here
This site is dedicated as a repository for "hacking" programs for Windows and Linux. Please note that hacking means nothing but tweaking or cleverly resolving a problem. Use the programs as you wish, but this site or its provider are not responsible in terms of how you use these programs, (i.e. for educational purposes only).
The way this site works is as follows. I will update the database to the best of my capability, to a point. You, the community, may upload whatever you feel is relevant to the site in terms of security,
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3/11/2011 E-mail hacking

EMail Hacking

All email communications on the internet are possible by two protocols:
1) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP port-25)
2) Post Office Protocol (POP port-110)

E-Mail hacking consists of various techniques as discussed below.

1) EMail Tracing :- Generally, the path taken by an email while travelling from sender to receiver can be explained by following diagram.


The most effective and easiest way to trace an email is to analyze it's email headers. This can be done by just viewing the full header of received email. A typical email header looks something like this:

The above email header gives us the following information about it's origin and path:

a) Sender's email address :-

b) Source IP address :-

c) Source mail server :-

d) Email client :- Thunderbird

Tips There are lots of ready-made tools available on the internet which performs email tracing very effectively and shows exact geographical location for email sender on the world map.

Recommended   Tools
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network hack

 Network Hacking

Network Hacking is generally means gathering information about domain by using tools like Telnet, NslookUp, Ping, Tracert, Netstat, etc.
It also includes OS Fingerprinting, Port Scaning and Port Surfing using various tools.

Ping :- Ping is part of ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) which is used to troubleshoot TCP/IP networks. So, Ping is basically a command that allows you to check whether the host is alive or not.
To ping a particular host the syntax is (at command prompt)--

example:- c:/>ping

Various attributes used with 'Ping' command and their usage can be viewed by just typing c:/>ping at the command prompt.

Netstat :- It displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections. i.e. local address, remote address, port number, etc.
It's syntax is (at command prompt)--
c:/>netstat -n

Telnet :- Telnet is a program which runs on TCP/IP. Using it we can connect to the remote computer on particular port. When connected it grabs the daemon running on that port.
The basic syntax of Telnet is (at command prompt)--

By default telnet connects to port 23 of remote computer.
So, the complete syntax is-
c:/>telnet port

example:- c:/>telnet 21 or c:/>telnet 21

Tracert :- It is used to trace out the route taken by the certain information i.e. data packets from source to destination.
It's syntax is (at command prompt)--
example:- c:/>tracert

Here "*    *    *    Request timed out." indicates that firewall installed on that system block the request and hence we can't obtain it's IP address.

various attributes used with tracert command and their usage can be viewed by just typing c:/>tracert at the command prompt.

The information obtained by using tracert command can be further used to find out exact operating system running on target system.
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This is the most effictive and the most prominent way to hack any bsnl username and password,
Its great that you are reading the above tutorial.

Hacking bsnl Username and PASSWORD
On the note i would like to tell you that it can even work or even not so Don't panic if it doesn't work in your case we will find something else. Enjoy

First Download Angry IP Scanner. Use Below Link
Click Here

 Step 1  :

Start Angry IP scanner and goto options ports.

Type in 80 in the first ports textbox and click ok.
Then goto options ; in the display section select "only open ports" and click ok - save.

Now on the main screen put in the ip scan range as something *.*.0.0 - *.*.255.255 (for e.g. and click the start button.

And the list that shall follow next are the victims. In this example we choose the range -

You will be surprised at the number of victims you discover.

 Step 2  : Pick the ip-address of any of them and open up your browser and type in*.*.* (the * should be replaced by the values from the ip you are using. A box will popup asking for username and password.)

Enter the username : admin and password : admin .

There is a high chance that you will be able to login with that username and password.admin-admin is the default username and password that is set while manufacturing the adsl modem devices.

What follows next is the modem administration panel.Simply search for the "WAN" option and click it.

On the next page you will find the username and password of that user. now right-click on the page and click view source. in Mozilla/Opera This frame -> view frame sourceNow in the source code search for this : INPUT TYPE="PASSWORD" and
the value field of this input element will have the password if its not there as in case of D-Link DSL 502T ADSL Routers the search for this Step 3:input type="hidden" name="connection0:pppoe:settings/password" value="password" id="uiPostPppoePassword"

and the value field will have the passwordAnd this exposes the weak security of bsnl broadband users.
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