
2/28/2011 uTorrent

uTorrent 2 To Speed Downloading By Fixing ISP Throttling

There is a new buzz on the internet that BitTorrent to speed its downloading by fixing the ISP Throttling . The new version of uTorrent 2 will be optimized by the company in such a way that they are promising a new and rich downloading experience to its users. 

Years before Many ISP’s Have argued with the BitTorrent Inc. on the certain topic that with high number of BitTorrent connections are slowing down other applications and traffic, affecting its users download speed and their product quality. uTorrent_Logo
With this Argument the company Officials Answered,

ISPs have to invest in making their networks better and faster rather than stifling applications which consumers use and love,”

While encouraging users to switch to non throttling ISPs if possible, or complain to their ISP’s customer services.

What is Throttling ?

Bandwidth throttling is a method of ensuring a bandwidth intensive device, such as a server, will limit ("throttle") the quantity of data it transmits and/or accepts within a specified period of time.

For website servers and web applications, bandwidth throttling helps limit network congestion and server crashes, whereas for ISP's, bandwidth throttling can be used to limit users' speeds across certain applications (such as BitTorrent), or limit upload speeds.
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FBI Is Watching You : Now On Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and More

Ok did anybody told FBI about Privacy stuff that we need to live on this planet Earth full of some officers who just want to piss of Hackers.

Ya, Its FBI they are taking a new strategy focusing on the social media for spreading the Information or something whatever in their mind. Here is what they say :
"Over the past few years we’ve rolled out a number of new web initiatives—including an e-mail alert service, syndicated news feeds, and a series of podcasts and widgets—that make it easier for you to help us track down wanted fugitives and missing kids, to submit tips on terrorism and crime, and to get our latest news and information."

We are moving forward on other social media fronts as well.

Where is FBI Till Now :

  • Facebook, where you can follow our news, check out our photos and videos, and become a “fan” of the FBI;
  • YouTube, where you can watch our videos and connect back to our main website for job postings and other content; and
  • Twitter, where you can receive our tweets on breaking news and other useful information....

FBI More On :

More widgets :
The new high-end widget was built using Flash, XML, and ActionScript and can be shared virally through social media websites such as Facebook, MySpace, and Blogger, says Michael Litchfield, the web developer who built it for the FBI. “I was excited to work on it and thought it was a great way to market the Bureau to a new generation.”
Visit There widgets page.

Fugitives at your fingertips :
A company called NIC—founded by an ex-law enforcement officer—has built a free “Most Wanted” iPhone and iPod Touch application based on our newest widget and fueled by our RSS feeds.

Virtual billboards and kiosks :
They are doing pilot tests in Second Life—a free 3-D world inhabited by millions of people worldwide—for virtual billboards and kiosks that show the mugs of our Ten Most Wanted fugitives and connect people to FBI jobs, there Internet Crime Complaint Center, and the wanted posters of cyber criminals.

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2 New Interesting Xss This Week

This Week some of the genius hackers have found some really cool XSS vectors and which i want to introduce to you. These are some which are currently Unpatched and are Hot to use.

2 New Interesting Xss This Week

Lets see if you guys like them, these are basically good ones and would be useful to you. as i have tested them on some browsers and was found to be working when they were released...

IE8 XSS Filter Distorting Facebook

The First one is from Michael Coates, he have written this Facebook Xss in his blog post which is based on IE8, and which is currently Unpatched too. A Hacker can Code a malicious link and send this to the Victim.

He also said this haven't been disabled by the facebook security guys and is prone to attack. This provided a great example on the effects of the IE8 XSS filter. He have also written in his previous post about this attack.


He also have given this screenshot for the demo of the attack and the malicious Link :

Google Maps XSS

google_maps1Discovered by two Indians this vulnerability hit the charts on twitter and was awesome, based on the Google Maps. Pratul Agrawal, Gaurav Baruah were the two authors.

The Xss is a Simple PoC right now and as per the two authors is currently Unpatched . You should check it out!

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Top 10 Internet tools #4

Well you all know the weeks coolest and the most Important tools for all of us comes in this posts,
This time we have moved more far and added some more cool and damn good ! tools
that you all and me should know about as they are coolest and can help in many ways to
our daily life and make our work easier. google_wave

So lets start once again,
Ok,i know you all love this series because i also
like them but i have too work really hard for them
but all is fare in love and blogging ;D

And plz check out the text written in it .
Its damn COOL.

1.   The Top position this week goes to  >>  Google Wave

This is like a revolution of email which is great as email is getting older.
i think you all might be aware of this.


2.    The Second on our HIT list is    >>     Sneaks
This is damn good tool
its can helpe you alot if you are delling with MD5 encription.
A must !!

 MD5 crack

3.    Third is      >>      i Speech
I really like this one
but ok leave it .


4.       And now its forth         >>         Du Calculator
This is my fav.!!!
i am joking seriouslly …

5.         Fifth the devil is          >>         HTML –> PDF
Name says it all .
Just USE it .


6.          Its    >>    Blazoon

Just Check It out !!!
its cooler than google

7.         Seventh is         >>         Hide Text
I cant figure it out what it is basically
and how can i use it still if you want .
And check out the sentences written in it.


8.      Now its       >>         Keep Me Out !!
Well isn't it great,
Just wait for a minute and think about it .


9.      Second Last is     >>    Trend Meter
Do you use twitter and love it then it for you .
 Try It Once . You Would Love it .


10.      Last is :(        >>       Alphabetizer

Its last because its not that usable as it looks.


That’s all for this week,
but i am repeating please SUSCRIBE to our posts to get the most out of it
you can easily do that by entering your email address in the box just right in the sidebar !
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How To Create Your Own Phisher

How To Create Your Own Phisher
Phisher page is the login page same as of the service your victim is using for example --> gmail,orkut,yahoomail,paypal,facebook,twitter etc.
It will Look Just as same as you are asked to login to your Email acount,Thats where the victim gets tricked aka HACKED.

So,Lets start.
To create Your Own Phisher you have to follow these simple steps ----

1. You have to go to the website for which you want to make your phisher for ex. gmail,yahoomail,orkut,paypal etc

2. When you are there at the login page just click on File>Save As
[ remember to rename it as index.html while saving the web page ]

3. When you have saved the web page,open the index.html in notepad.

4. Search for .gif and replace the text written before the image name with

You Have To Do that for all the images named there, Or you can use replace all option.

5.There will be another file needed also named as login.php .Which will give the condition to save the username and password typed by the user.

[NOTE:- I will not be providing the login.php to you,You have to get the login.php by yourself.
if you have some knowledge about the php language you can make your own login.php
For those who dont have knowledge about php language i recommend you search for login.php on Google,you will surely get that file.]

6. After you have done this,click on Edit>Search and type action in the search box,and then click on search.

7. It will take you to the First action String, after the equals two mark type login.php in replace of the the text written after it.

8. Click on Seach again,this time it will take you to another action string,after the equal to mark type
in replace of the text written in front of
the equals to mark.
NOTE: You have to type you your sites name in replace of your-site,and your free webhosting service against yourservice in

9. Now you are all done.

NOTE: You have to upload all the files on your free webhosting service directory,including in index_files Folder in the directory.Or it wount work.
The Directory Will be ---
i. index.html
ii. index_files [Folder which you saved]
iii. login.php
iv. login.txt

10. You can Make any websites phisher by these steps for example -- gmail,orkut,yahoomail,paypal,facebook,twitter etc.

Happy Hacking
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Logon Automatically

So,here we go,welocme screen
This hack is damn good and a type of script kiddies too :P
But still its good to blog for.
Ok, You all might have heard of Microsoft .NET Framework.
Its all done because of it and if you have Windows Xp professional Sp3 Like me.
Then it would be installed in your control panel automatically.
But not in other versions of Windows Xp pro.
Like in Windows Xp professional Sp2 this feature is not automatically installed .
But that's why we Hack it :D

Now the Question is what we have to do.
Its pretty simple
Just follow these simple steps –:
1.Firstly start by opening your run box and enter “control userpasswords2”. [NOTE: Without quotes]windows
2. A New windows Will Open same as the screenshot below.Logon
3.When the user accounts window opens uncheck the box which states 'Users must enter a username and password to use this computer' and apply the setting.

You will be requested for the username and password of the account you wish to automatically logon as for following reboots of your system.

** If at a later stage you want a password back on your system, follow the same steps but recheck the box. In order to open user accounts you must be using an Administrator level account **.

Hope you all get that.
And Plz  Subscribe to our Blog and support it.
Its simple just enter your email address in the sidebar for subscribing.

Hope you all also like the new theme of the blog.
Happy Hacking.
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Windows XP

How To Create A Invisible Account In Windows XP

Ok, A really Quick tutorial on for windows XP on How To Create A Invisible Account In Windows Xp. What we have do in this hack is really simple just create a DWORD value in the windows registry and hack the windows user accounts .

Ok so are you sure you want to learn this hack then read ahead,

Steps :-

1. Open Start menu then click on RUN.
2. Type in the Run Window Regedit
3. Windows Registry editor will open then navigate from the left panel :

4. Create a new DWORD, setting its name to the name of the account you wish to hide.
5. Then set its value to 0 to hide it.
6. Enjoy its Hidden !!

NOTE : This account isn't completely hidden because it is visible to administrators in Local User and Groups and also the profile is visible in the Documents and Settings.
Now How To Login In it after you have hidden the account :

1. At Welcome screen, and you want to login to this account.
2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete twice and it will display the log-on promt.
3. Type the username, and the password and hit enter.
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How To Create Autorun.inf For Your Pendrive – Autoplay Your Tools

When you plug-in your pen drive then its really useful to run an Autorun software it canist1_9116667-usb-flash-memory consist of anything from hacking software to any music player.

Its really useful as you can do your work in seconds and in hacking stuff it its really important to boot up fast so that you can do your work in seconds and no body catches you rather then first loading the pen drive then navigating to the folders and then doing it. isn't it

So its really worthwhile to take a look at the way the windows Xp looks at the pen drive auto run program rather then making a program that’s loading automatically written C.


Ok that's the image to notify you that you a need a pen drive and a windows Xp based computer with you so as you can perform this hack :D
So lets start…
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Full Guide of PHP Operators

Well since i started using PHP i am certainly having problems with the my equations,
But i don't want it to happen to you guys so i have made this guide for you guys so
so you guys out there don't need to look around like me.php-logo
Well i have made these guide,
If you have any more suggestion then please suggest them through the comments.

If you like it useful then don't forget to BOOKMARK it . Thanks

Arithmetic Operators

Operator Description Example Result
+ Addition x=2
- Subtraction x=2
* Multiplication x=4
/ Division 15/5
% Modulus (division remainder) 5%2
++ Increment x=5
-- Decrement x=5

Tags :

A snippet in php to know your ip Address

Well its a small script i have written in php just for testing the use of
Handle in php its really use full and help full i think to get you ip in any pphp-logoen test or any thing , well its kind of script kiddies too.
But i am learning ;)
Here is the full code
echo $ip;
hope it helped you …
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Full Guide of PHP Operators

Well since i started using PHP i am certainly having problems with the my equations,
But i don't want it to happen to you guys so i have made this guide for you guys so
so you guys out there don't need to look around like me.php-logo
Well i have made these guide,
If you have any more suggestion then please suggest them through the comments.

If you like it useful then don't forget to BOOKMARK it . Thanks

Arithmetic Operators

Operator Description Example Result
+ Addition x=2
- Subtraction x=2
* Multiplication x=4
/ Division 15/5
% Modulus (division remainder) 5%2
++ Increment x=5
-- Decrement x=5

Tags :

A snippet in php to know your ip Address

Well its a small script i have written in php just for testing the use of
Handle in php its really use full and help full i think to get you ip in any pphp-logoen test or any thing , well its kind of script kiddies too.
But i am learning ;)
Here is the full code
echo $ip;
hope it helped you …
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Logon Warning hack

Have you ever been caught by a virus that shows a warning when you logon in windows,
Yeah i have a long back experience with that virus,
so what that's virus actually did so it can show that warning , well it did nothing then just a bit of code that is also know as Registry Hack.
Well this hack would able you to make such kind of virus so lets go for that :-
Follow these steps :-

1. Click on start menu or you can hit [ Window Key + R ].
2. A Dialog box will open i.e. Run Dialog box.
3. Type in [ Regedit ] and hit enter.
4. This will open Windows Registry Editor.
5. Now form left menu Navigate too
[ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon ]
*case sensitive.
6. In right pane, look for key by the name "LegalNoticeCaption".
  **If there isn't there then create a new [ String Value name "LegalNoticeCaption" ].
7. Type in value to whatever text you want to see displayed at login screen.
8. For example :- “Zombies ahead “  , “You have caught a virus. Shut down immediately” , “ you are Hacked “. Just use your Brain.

Now when the victim logons he will see this warning and he will be freaked.
That's when you have successfully hacked the victim.
Isn't it awesome.
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Windows &...Hack..

Windows 7 GodMode Hack [Turtorial]

Windows 7 The New shiny product of Microsoft is just revealed and some windows guys have uncovered a new Hack in Windows 7 which the team at windows call is "GodMode"

The Hack is some kind of Glitch as we have also seen the Glitch in YouTube yesterday, What this does is bring you to an new settings page which got some good options in it to play with the windows.

Windows 7 GodMode Hack [Turtorial]

Obviously not the control panel settings, they contain some of the good one's in them like "Back up Your computer" and "Login Credentials" and stuff like that.

The "GodMode" Contains a List of Over 50 sections consisting of setting for you which can be enabled by a simple rename.  But it might be a new promotion by the windows guys to promote their New windows 7...

Whatever, lets focus on the Trick that we are going to apply to enable the, so called "GodMode" in windows 7.


The Hack is very easy one, with a simple rename you can access it. So don't blame me if this is Lame.
  1. Create a new folder.
  2. Rename the folder to 234-windows-godmode-icon GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
    (note that you can change the “GodMode” text, but the following period and code number are essential).
  3. The folder icon will change — double click it to show the GodMode window:





This might be good for you as you can now apply various setting to your Windows 7 at a single place. btw i don't use Windows 7 that much, i just Love the Window Xp. It might a new promotional way by the Microsoft guys. well who cares.

- Enjoy
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Finding IP

Finding IP address in Gmail From Email Header's

Email headers determine where a message is sent, and records the specific path the message follows as it passes through each mail server.

When You send an email to any of your friends or others could be your Girl friends Never mind. But When you send the email through any email client like Gmail , Yahoo Mail , Hotmail, AOL, Outlook Express, etc it also sends the Email Header which contains Some important information for Us i.e.Hackers.
Basically it is a feature of Mailing protocol.
Now when the victim sends you a Email through any ,Gmail, Yahoo mail etc doesn't matter, then mail comes to your inbox in the form of Email Header but the your Email client changes it and shows only readable part of it.

Well This article is based on how to view Email headers in Gmail. We Will talk about others in Future too. Yeah its a kind of easy tutorial....

Finding IP address in Gmail

  1. Login to your Gmail account with your username and password.
  2. Open the mail.
  3. To display the email headers,
    • Click on the inverted triangle beside Reply. Select Show Orginal.
  4. Look for Received: from followed by the IP address between square brackets [ ].
    Received: from [] by
  5. If you find more than one Received: from patterns, select the last one.
Ok Most of the users use Gmail i think and its the most popular one also from the rest of the email clients that's why i liked to write this one first.


Here's an example of a message header for an email sent from to
Received: by with SMTP id e3cs239nzb; Tue, 29 Mar 2005 15:11:47 -0800 (PST)
Received: from ( []) by with SMTP id h19si826631rnb.2005.; Tue, 29 Mar 2005 15:11:47 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>
Received: from [] by via HTTP; Tue, 29 Mar 2005 15:11:45 PST
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 15:11:45 -0800 (PST)
From: Mr Jones
Subject: Hello
Notice the received is the stuff we need here to get the IP Address of the victim.
Received: from [] by via HTTP; Tue, 29
Ok Hope You all got the idea of the Email Headers in Gmail. More will posted later.
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How to make a fake virus in windows easily

How to make a fake virus in windows easily

Ok this one is great and the great thing is its Video Supported !!

I owe you this video tutorial , because there are many requests for video tutorials of hacking tutorials and the bad thing is i am totally busy these days. fake-virus-warning

I am not getting time but finally i came up with this video on How to make a Fake VIRUS in windows with ease…

So lets start with this :-

                        Tutorial Steps                                          Video Tutorial

Well what we actually have to do in this hack is too make a fake virus in the desktop so as to trick the user to double click it and boom..

Steps :-

1. Right click on the desktop and choose “Create Shortcut”.

2. A New window will pop up, Type in it :-
shutdown –s –t 900 –c “This Computer is Fuc*** by HTD”
3. Now click on “NEXT” button. Now you can choose the name of the fake name for the virus file choose anything like :-

“My Computer”
“Internet Explorer”
“Recycle Bin”

Its all depended on the user usage that's why i used these name cos these are the most used terms in a windows xp box.

4. Now click on “close” to close the window. a new shortcut would come on the desktop with the name you wanted.

5. Now to change the icon of the shortcut just Follow these steps :-

Right click it >> Properties >> Customize tab  >> Change icon >> Browse >> Choose the icon >> Click OK

6. All done hell yeah…

7. Now just wait and watch..

Video Tutorial


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Norton And Kaspersky On Commercial Fight For Security Suit’s 2010

When there is Cyber crime there are antivirus and after that there is a fight in betweennorton-vs-kaspersky-antivirus them. You all be knowing about the two most popular antivirus securities in the world i.e. Norton And Kaspersky.

As You have seen both provides a master security suits with them just as they both have launched there Internet Security Suits for the availing 2010.

HOT : Norton Internet Security 2010 Vs Kaspersky Internet Security 2010
Now lets start with Norton suit’s -

Norton Internet Security 2010 Commercial

First lets look at the Norton’s Strategies. Norton starts and basically focus on the cyber crime that the people face scams, hacking etc but certainly built a long advertisement with the help of following points…

1. Bank of Nikolai
S.O.L. 3. Cyber Hunting
4. Chicken vs. Dokken (Allow)
5. Chicken vs. Dokken
(Deny) 6. Caterpillar vs. Kimbo (Allow) 7. Caterpillar vs. Kimbo (Deny)
Its really funny.

Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 Commercial

Looks like kaspersky is playing a lot these days. I think this commercial was built for more on focusing Virus as dangerous rather than Cyber – Crime as the Norton is focusing onn. But as seeing i feel it more amateur as they made it more of a kiddies commercial.

Also showing there power by showcasing Action Star Jackie Chan and the kaspersky’s Founder Eugene Kaspersky in the commercial.,,
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Norton And Kaspersky On Commercial Fight For Security Suit’s 2010

When there is Cyber crime there are antivirus and after that there is a fight in betweennorton-vs-kaspersky-antivirus them. You all be knowing about the two most popular antivirus securities in the world i.e. Norton And Kaspersky.

As You have seen both provides a master security suits with them just as they both have launched there Internet Security Suits for the availing 2010.

HOT : Norton Internet Security 2010 Vs Kaspersky Internet Security 2010
Now lets start with Norton suit’s -

Norton Internet Security 2010 Commercial

First lets look at the Norton’s Strategies. Norton starts and basically focus on the cyber crime that the people face scams, hacking etc but certainly built a long advertisement with the help of following points…

1. Bank of Nikolai
S.O.L. 3. Cyber Hunting
4. Chicken vs. Dokken (Allow)
5. Chicken vs. Dokken
(Deny) 6. Caterpillar vs. Kimbo (Allow) 7. Caterpillar vs. Kimbo (Deny)
Its really funny.

Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 Commercial

Looks like kaspersky is playing a lot these days. I think this commercial was built for more on focusing Virus as dangerous rather than Cyber – Crime as the Norton is focusing onn. But as seeing i feel it more amateur as they made it more of a kiddies commercial.

Also showing there power by showcasing Action Star Jackie Chan and the kaspersky’s Founder Eugene Kaspersky in the commercial.
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The Anatomy Of GSM Encryption Hack

After Karsten Nohl hacked the GSM encryption, I thought to Digg this a bit in more detail. So i have written this whole guide in favor of it. So lets start.

Karsten Nohl, A Germen Hacker have claimed that he have successfully cracked the GSM mobiles security algorithm. That we all know but the question that arises here is what he did to crack the GSM encryption which have been for years, actually from 1987.

There was a conference know as 26th Chaos Communication Congress (26C3) , as we all know which is indeed the most respected and one of the most seeable conferences in Europe.


It takes place from December 27th to December 30th 2009 at the bcc Berliner Congress Center in Berlin, Germany. which is quite recent and what was special this time on it was the GSM encryption crack details which were going to be demoed in the conference.

The 26C3s slogan is "Here Be Dragons".

As a matter of fact i was not there in the conference and thus missed all the stuff going on there. but some of my twitter friends helped me out with this. When twitters started to tweet with the hash tag of #26C3 all was going clear about it...
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Intel Website Hacked : Another SQL Injection From Unu

Intel Website HackedThis is kind of a luck because the amount of SQL injections are affecting the large website is just unbearable. This time the Hacker is one the best and my favorite hacker in the world "unu". unu have previously hacked some really popular website like The Wall Street Journal and Kaspersky Lab’s Websites.
I know this news is petty late as the Intel website was down near 23rd of December of 2009. which you can say about 1 week ago.But when the website was hacked, it was lead down and was showing a message of “investigating the matter.”

Not only is the website vulnerable to sql injection but it also allows load_file to be executed making it very dangerous because with a little patience, a writable directory can be found and injection a malicious code we get command line access with which we can do virtually anything we want with the website.

Upload phpshells, redirects, infect pages with Trojan droppers, even deface the whole website.

This is a kind of pity on the Intel security engineers,  but what can we do, if they don't pay to the security professionals....

Screenshots : Telling the Story

Screenshot tells everything, they reveal all the stuff and thus the story behind the hack of the Intel's website. Ok enjoy the story which is the based on the SQL injection.

Intel Website Hacked

Intel Website Hacked

Intel Website Hacked

Intel Website Hacked

Intel Website Hacked


The growing number of SQL injections are growing and there is a need to look at the security against the SQL injection vulnerabilities or websites like Intel will grow to the attacked and be attacked several times.
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