
6/04/2011 Chinese hackers target US officials' Gmail accounts

Cyber hacking

Washington/Boston, Jun 1: In a phishing attack, hackers based in China broke into hundreds of Gmail accounts, including those belonging to senior US government officials and military personnel, Internet serach giant Google has said.

"Through the strength of our cloud-based security and abuse detection systems, we recently uncovered a campaign to collect user passwords, likely through phishing
," Google said in a posting on Wednesday, June 1.

The Internet giant said it has uncovered a "phishing campaign," which "appears to originate from Jinan, China" in which access was gained to Gmail user passwords and emails, Google Security Team's Engineering Director Eric Grosse said in a blog post.

The "bad actors" hacked into personal Gmail accounts of hundreds of users including, senior US government officials, Chinese political activists, officials in several Asian countries (predominantly South Korea), military personnel and journalists, Grosse added.

"The goal of this effort seems to have been to monitor the contents of these users'' emails, with the perpetrators apparently using stolen passwords to change peoples'' forwarding and delegation settings." The Washington Post reported that the personal Gmail account of one Cabinet-level official was compromised.

However, Caitlin Hayden, spokeswoman for the National Security Council, said there is no reason to believe that any official US government email accounts were accessed.

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'Pak criminals hack into 40-50 Indian sites a day'

'Pak criminals hack into 40-50 Indian sites a day'

Pak hackers deface 50 Indian sites a day: Ankit Fadia

New Delhi, June 1: Exposing the lack of cyber security in India, an 'ethical hacker' has revealed the Pakistani cyber criminals manage to deface 40 to 50 Indian sites every day.
In the war that has been on since 2001, the Pakistani criminals are able to easily break into Indian cyberspace, while their Indian counterparts can only deface about 10 to 15 Pak websites in retaliation, Ankit Fadia told Business Standard.

"Terrorists are using the most advanced technologies for communicating with each other, which include VoIP (voice-over Internet protocol), hiding messages inside photographs, draft emails and encrypted pen drives," the 18-year-old added.
Fadia pointed out that even though India is the global IT capital, the country has to still go a long way when it comes to cyber security.

"Though we have enacted cyber laws, there is not much awareness in the country about security risks arising from cyber attacks nor is there any proper training for law enforcing agencies to deal with the crime," Fadia said in another interview with a news agency.

Fadia is an independent computer security and digital intelligence consultant. He has also worked with the CBI to trace the addresses of 15 Pakistani hackers who posted anti-India messages on websites they broke into.

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Obama softens stance on accused U.K. hacker McKinnon

Obama softens stance on accused U.K. hacker McKinnon

IDG News Service - President Obama has thrown a nugget of hope to accused U.K. hacker Gary McKinnon, describing the long-running extradition case as being "in the hands of the British legal system."
The president's words at the end of his state visit to the U.K. were a matter of tone as much as substance, but were noticeably less harsh than those offered by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder during his visit only two weeks ago. McKinnon has fought extradition to the U.S., where he faces charges of breaking into dozens of military servers.
"We have proceeded through all the processes required under our extradition agreements," Obama said during a joint press conference held with British Prime Minister David Cameron. "It is now in the hands of the British legal system. We have confidence in the British legal system coming to a just conclusion. And so we await resolution, and we'll be respectful of that process."
In a U.K. television interview, Holder had been more forthright. "McKinnon is a person who committed serious crimes resulting in about $1 million worth of damages in the United States. There has been a review by seven judges here in the U.K. who made the determination that his extradition was appropriate," he said.
The subject is considered politically charged enough in the U.K. for Cameron to have formally raised it during talks Wednesday that were part of Obama's visit. This mirrored an identical discussion that took place in Washington during Cameron's visit to the U.S. in July 2010.
The McKinnon's case will go down as one of the longest extradition sagas in the history of either country, not to mention the biggest hack of U.S. military and government servers ever uncovered. McKinnon is accused of breaking into 97 servers between February 2001 and March 2002, causing various levels of damage and disruption. The U.S. first requested his extradition in 2002 after a federal grand jury indicted him on seven counts of hacking.
The case has acquired significance beyond these facts, however, taking in successive administrations in the U.S. and the U.K., and becoming politically controversial in light of the U.K.'s 2004 enactment of its extradition agreement with the U.S.
McKinnon's extradition depends on two decisions. First, U.K. Home Secretary Theresa May must review evidence on his medical fitness to face extradition, a decision which is imminent. If ruled fit, McKinnon will then be subject to a judicial review into the case granted on appeal against the 2009 decision by former Home Secretary Alan Johnson to allow his extradition to proceed.
If either rules in his favor, McKinnon will stand trial in the U.K. under less draconian sentencing guidelines.
McKinnon's mother, Janis Sharp, who has campaigned for her son to stand trial in the U.K., welcomed Obama's remarks.
"The fact that two such powerful men had four questions [in the press conference] and one of them was all about Gary, it was overwhelming ... that they took the time to talk about Gary was incredible," she was reported to have said.
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